This week was one of taking care of a lot of little tasks:
- Helped with some minor updates to the Turkish YTC Bible.
- Found out why a French Bible wasn’t getting published properly on, and fixed that problem so that it went live with the translator’s latest improvements.
- Updated the custom contact form code for our Bible web sites so that it would work without making users fill in a CAPTCHA field and without opening the spam floodgates to my email in box. (That is harder than it sounds, but AI made my old CAPTCHA test obsolete.)
- Answered a few important emails from the new custom contact form, as well as from my regular email accounts. This helped some people move forward with Christian book writing and Bible translation projects, among other things.
- Oversaw work finishing repairing storm damage to our house. (We hired help to replace drywall that turned to wet mush, replace a chunk of water damaged floor on the second floor, and re-do some broken and loose siding after a crazy, windy rainstorm. We had about 7 inches of sideways rain in one week.)
- Replaced a water valve that broke while I was trying to turn the water off. (Amazingly, this plumbing project only took one trip to a hardware store.)
- Co-led our Tuesday evening life group and a Saturday morning men’s Bible study.
- Had a CT scan on my sinuses preparing for surgery to make it possible for me to breathe through my nose, even when sleeping. (Surgery I had before didn’t quite fix everything after an old injury.)
None of those things, by themselves, seem like much, at least to me. Sometimes mission work involves taking care of personal health, maintaining the house where we make our home and my office, helping others do the ministry God called them to, and seemingly mundane web site maintenance. God uses whatever we do in obedience to Him to do some really good things. God will reward us. Those who share in our work by praying for us, encouraging us, and supporting us in God’s work will also share in the rewards. It is going to be awesome!
Thank you for helping us make free digital Bibles available to as many people as we can, in formats that work well for people!
Please Keep Praying
Thank God that:
- We celebrate over 438 million Scripture deliveries in 1,370 Bible translations!
- Our new web servers are still running reliably with great performance!
- Repairs to our house to correct storm damage and prevent similar future damage are done.
Please pray for the following aspects of our ministry:
- Improving the automation of imports from the Digital Bible Library
- App development
- Web site upgrades for, Solomons.Bible, and
- Computer security
- Bible translation consulting
- Bible translation processing for posting on and sister sites
Please pray for our family:
- Michael to get relief after surgery on his nose & sinuses
- All of us to stay healthy
- Our children to faithfully walk with God
How can we pray for you, today?