Celebrating 25 Years

Inductive Bible Study in PNG in 2010

Inductive Bible study that I was leading in Papua New Guinea in 2010. There were people from many language groups attending, but all of them were fluent in English or Tok Pisin or both. I instructed in both languages (interpreting for myself). Now, in 2025 in the U. S. A., my in-person inductive Bible studies are in English, but we provide free digital access to Bibles in 266 languages of PNG.

In the year 2000, Lori and I entered full-time Christian ministry, leaving behind our “real jobs” (as some would have called them). We stepped out in faith, living on a combination of savings and support from like-minded believers in Jesus Christ, so that we could focus on Bible translation training, missionary training, Bible translation support work, and Lori teaching in an international missionary school. About a quarter of a century later, we are glad we obeyed God in this. We have had all kinds of trials and challenges in that time, but we thank God that He has always helped us through, and we have seen great results. We are also extremely grateful for the prayer support, encouragement, and partnership you have provided! Everyone who helped in any or all of these ways is truly an answer to prayer and shares in the heavenly reward.

Sing-sing celebrating the dedication of the Nyndrou New Testament on Manus Island, Papua New Guinea in 2002. I love how these people fully celebrated getting a New Testament in their own language!

Please Keep Praying

Thank God that:

Please pray for the following aspects of our ministry:

  • Improving the automation of imports from the Digital Bible Library
  • App development
  • Web site upgrades for eBible.org, Solomons.Bible, and Baebol.org.
  • Computer security
  • Bible translation consulting
  • Bible translation processing for posting on eBible.org and sister sites

Please pray for our family:

  • Comfort, love, and unity in our family as Michael’s Mom’s will is executed
  • Smooth and complete recovery from storm damage to our house
  • All of us to stay healthy

How can we pray for you, today?