Map of the Federated States of Micronesia with arrows pointing to Satawal and Nukuoro islands
This week, we got two more Micronesian Bible translations online: Nukoro and Satawalese. Both are for languages originating on small atolls among the Caroline Islands. See the red arrows pointing to tiny dots on the map, above. These are fairly small language groups (about 600 and 500 speakers, respectively). Of course, God loves these very remote islanders. We are as happy to provide Bibles to small language groups as to large ones (like Mandarin Chinese, which has more than 1.18 billion speakers). Our Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Bible translation site is at FSM.Bible. Micronesian Bible translations are also hosted on
Thank you for helping us make free digital Bibles available even to these uttermost parts of the world!
Nukuoro Island seen from space. About 200 people live on this island. About 400 more people who speak Nukuoro live on Pohnpei.
Please Keep Praying
Thank God that:
- We now celebrate over 435 million Scripture deliveries in 1,370 Bible translations!
- Our new web servers are running reliably with great performance!
- He hears and answers our prayers.
Please pray for the following aspects of our ministry:
- Improving the automation of imports from the Digital Bible Library
- App development
- Web site upgrades for, Solomons.Bible, and
- Computer security
- Bible translation consulting
- Bible translation processing for posting on and sister sites
Please pray for our family:
- Smooth and complete recovery from storm damage to our house
- All of us to stay healthy
- Our children to faithfully walk with God
How can we pray for you, today?