Delight in Turkey

Topographic map of Turkey

This week, I got an encouraging email from a dear friend, Bible translator, and pastor in Turkey. That is a land where there are a lot of people who don’t yet know the Good News about Jesus Christ. I thought you would be encouraged by the testimonies he shared. As financial and prayer partners, you helped me to help him and his team in the Bible translation process. The Turkish YTC translation is a translation of the World English Bible into Turkish. I helped their team both by doing translation consulting and helping them to get the results published in the YouVersion app and on Of course, it also helped that they had a royalty-free Bible that they had full freedom to make derivative works from without copyright problems. He wrote:

Turkey has many people who still need the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Please Keep Praying

Thank God that:

Please pray for the following aspects of our ministry:

  • Improving the automation of imports from the Digital Bible Library
  • App development
  • Web site upgrades for, Solomons.Bible, and
  • Computer security
  • Bible translation consulting
  • Bible translation processing for posting on and sister sites

Please pray for our family:

  • Smooth and complete recovery from storm damage to our house
  • All of us to stay healthy

How can we pray for you, today?

May God bless you!
Michael & Lori Johnson