Naomi, Mary, Francis, and Ben Wildflower; Lori, Br. Lawrence, Michael, Evan, and Kaylee Johnson after Mom’s Celebration of Life. Rachel wasn’t able to join us because she had just started a new job with the U. S. Postal Service.
Then don’t let your good be slandered, for God’s Kingdom is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.—Romans 14:16-17, World English Bible
Joy is one of the most important doctrines in the Holy Bible. Sometimes I need to remind myself of that, like when grieving. It helps to focus on the positive things. Mom was good at that. I am thankful for:
- Seeing many of our family and friends who gathered to celebrate Mom’s life
- Rachel’s new job
- Seeing our granddaughter, Mary, in person for the first time
- I was able to do some necessary remote maintenance to keep Scriptures flowing using Mom’s Starlink connection
- God’s free gift of eternal life
- Our partners who pray, encourage, and support us
Our prayer card
Please Keep Praying
Thank God that:
- Now we celebrate over 419 million Scripture deliveries in 1,368 Bible translations!
- Lori and I were able to travel to Western Colorado for Mom’s Celebration of life, which went well.
Please pray for the following aspects of our ministry:
- Improving the automation of imports from the Digital Bible Library
- App development
- Web site upgrades
- Computer security
- Bible translation consulting
- Bible translation processing for posting on and sister sites
Please pray for our family:
- Pray for Rachel’s new job to go well.
- Comfort, love, and unity in our family as Mom’s will is executed
- Smooth recovery from storm damage to our house
- All of us to stay healthy
How can we pray for you, today?
May God bless you!
Michael & Lori Johnson