My beloved mother carrying my sister and holding my hand.
But we don’t want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, so that you don’t grieve like the rest, who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.—1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, World English Bible
For more than 66 years, I had the sweetest, most loving mother I could possibly have. She lived her faith in Jesus Christ. She loved my Dad and all of her children, grandchildren, great-grand children, and even one great-great-grandchild. She prayed every day. She once visited a place that had a lot of idol worship, and she prayed that God would send more missionaries there. Later, God sent me there with my family. I am truly grateful to have had so much time with her. And I am grateful that she is no longer suffering from the infirmities that plagued the last few years of her life. See her obituary. So why do I grieve? Even Jesus wept, but we don’t grieve like the world grieves. We have hope in Jesus Christ!

Thank You!
We truly appreciate your prayers, support, and encouragement. Because people like you support our ministry and pray for us, we are able to freely give away access to the Holy Bible.
Please Keep Praying
Thank God that:
- Now we have over 413 million Scripture deliveries in 1,368 Bible translations!
- My loving and beloved mother is no longer suffering and free to run to Jesus.
Please pray for the following aspects of our ministry:
- Improving the automation of imports from the Digital Bible Library
- App development
- Web site upgrades
- Computer security
- Bible translation consulting
- Bible translation processing for posting on eBible.org and sister sites
Please pray for our family:
- Pray for Rachel’s new job to go well. She starts at the USPS on February 10th.
- Comfort, love, and unity in our extended family and a good celebration of life for Paula Johnson
- Smooth recovery from minor storm damage to our house
- All of us to stay healthy
How can we pray for you, today?