How to Download Free EPub Bibles from eBible.org
Find the Bible translation you want to read at https://eBible.org/find/ then select the ePub file from the list of available formats. (Note that the ePub3 and Amazon Kindle ePub files are exactly the same, now that Amazon started supporting standard ePub files.) Here is a direct link to the World English Bible epub.
We don’t charge anything for these ePub files. My economics professor always said “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” By that, he meant that someone always pays for anything of value. That is true, of course, because it does cost something to translate the Holy Bible, as well as to convert it to ePub format and to host it on a web site for you. However, that cost has already been paid for (except for whatever you pay for Internet access and your device). These ePub files are also DRM-free, so they should work in any reasonably updated ePub reader.
Why Read a Bible EPub?
An ePub is the most widely supported file format for electronic books. You can read ePub files on smartphones, tablets, and computers, including:
- Amazon Kindle devices and applications
- Android phones and tablets
- Apple iPads and iPhones
- Barnes & Noble Nook devices and applications
- Chromebooks
- Linux computers
- MacOS computers
- Windows computers
An ePub can be downloaded to your device many different ways, including USB cable, bluetooth, or Internet. Once downloaded, they stay on your device, and require no further Internet access. This is especially useful in remote areas where Internet access is not freely available.
Our ePubs don’t have “DRM” (copy prevention), so they should work with almost any ePub reader. The ePub readers that support the ePub 3 standard work the best, but our Bible ePubs work with readers designed for ePub version 2, as well.
These Bible ePubs are formatted nicely for reading. You can easily select a comfortable print size to read.
You can find any chapter in the Bible to read with just a few taps (contents, book, chapter).
EPub Reading Options
You can find many apps made to read ePub 3 files with an Internet search. Here are a few good options for various platforms:
- Calibre for Windows, Mac, or Linux
- EPUBReader plug-in for Chrome or Firefox
- Apple Books for iPhone and iPad
- Google Play Books (install this and edit settings to allow uploading PDF and ePub books before downloading a book to your Android device)
- Amazon Kindle devices and apps (recommended especially for Kindle devices)
- Barnes & Noble Nook
- Kobo tablet
Happy Bible reading!