Focus on Peru
With your help, we reach people all over the world with the Holy Bible in their own languages. Peru is one example. Peru is the 4th most populous country in South America. It has 95 living languages, 47 of which are healthy and in regular use, according to the Ethnologue. On eBible.org, we host 46 Bible translations in indigenous languages of Peru, plus 9 Bible translations in Spanish, the national language of Peru.
I often get emails from people who have experienced difficulty in navigating getting copyright permission to use the Holy Bible in their ministry. See, for example, Thomas Nelson’s copyright policies, which are typical. They allow short quotations here and there, but nothing sufficient for quotation of an entire book of the Bible, as you would want to do if you were writing a commentary or maybe handing out the Gospel of John for a tract. Just two days ago, I got another such email. I got permission from the sender to share the email with you, so that you can praise God for his provision and rejoice with us that we can say “Yes” to requests like this.
Cody wrote:
Subject-> Copyrights for Romans
Hello! I’m a missionary in Peru and wrote a book for our ministry on Romans. I’m looking for a Spanish Bible to use that’s for public use since I use the entire book. Major publishers require licenses to use their full text. I’m just a small ministry and want to give the book away for free. Am I allowed to use the Spanish “sencilla” version ? Blessings
I wrote:
YES, you may use La Biblia en Español Sencillo for free with no hassles. You may also use Palabra de Dios para ti, Santa Biblia libre para el mundo, or Versión Biblia Libre if you like. Click on the links for copyright permission details of each and a choice of text formats to download to use in your book. Note that you may use any or all of these even if you decide to sell your books as well as give them away.
Any questions?
Cody wrote:
Wow praise the Lord!!!!!!! This gets rid of so many headaches!!!! Thank you so much!!!! God bless you!!!

Peruvian couple in traditional dress
Thank You!
We truly appreciate your prayers, support, and encouragement. Because people like you support our ministry, we are able to freely give away access to the Holy Bible.
Please Keep Praying
Thank God that:
- Now we have over 407 million Scripture deliveries in 1,368 Bible translations!
- We have 1,117 freely redistributable Bible translations that others may not only download from eBible.org, but also share with others without additional copyright owner permission. (There are 251 others that we have permission to post, but that doesn’t extend to others posting, printing, or sharing.)
Please pray for the following aspects of our ministry:
- Improving the automation of imports from the Digital Bible Library
- App development
- Web site upgrades
- Computer security
- Bible translation consulting
- Bible translation processing for posting on eBible.org and sister sites
Please pray for our family:
- Rachel’s new job application process
- Lori’s perseverance with joy in her teaching job
- All of us to stay healthy
How can we pray for you, today?
May God bless you!
Michael & Lori Johnson