Answered prayer: the New Testament in his own language. This man is now
praying for the Old Testament to be translated into his language. |
Ben holding a baby kingfisher bird in Bulal Village, Madang Province. |
Bibles arriving for a New Testament dedication on Manus Island. |
Lori teaching some village ladies how to bake bread without electricity or
natural gas, Bulal Village. |
Our Bulal Village family |
Making a canoe, coastal Madang Province |
Church services, Dylup Station, Madang Province |
Dead chicken dance, Madang Province |
Tree on the side of Nobnob Mountain, Madang Province. |
Michael & Lori hiking with others in Madang Province. Photo by Justin &
Katie Visser. |
A nice, hot, humid, sweaty hike in Madang Province. Photo by Justin &
Katie Visser. |
EBC presentation, dedication of Aiyura Valley to God, PNG Independence Day
2004 |
Evan at the spring where people in Bulal Village get their drinking water |
The first white people to enter this cave were Evan, Ben, and Nate. (Evan
shown here) |
Family photo taken as we just completed the Pacific Orientation Course
(also known as Jungle Camp), May 2002. The animal on Ben’s shoulder is a
cuscus. |
Sing-sing dancers ready to celebrate the opening of a fish farm, Madang
Province |
Garamut drum players, Lessau Village, Manus Province, during the Nyndrou
New Testament Dedication |
Musicians at the Bargam New Testament Dedication, Madang Province |
Our boys exploring a World War II artifact in Madang Province |
Lori at Ukarumpa International School |
To get to Nobnob, you have to cross the Kapunde River without benefit of a
bridge. |
Michael preaching in Tok Pisin. Somehow, the dress code at DSM didn’t seem
relevant when you walk a mile in 90% humidity and 90 degree heat to get to
church. Michael has been seen preaching in a tie in the highlands, however. |
Some houses and boats on Manus Island |
Children performing traditional pole dance in Bulal Village |
Public prayer of repentance in Kainantu, PNG Independence Day 2003 |