Lori teaching in a “Real Life” presentation. |
Michael with some children in Bulal Village |
Michael with David and Barbara Hynum, translators of the Numanggang New
Testament and Psalms. Michael helped them typeset the Numanggang Scriptures
using software that he wrote. The Numanggang people live in Morobe Province,
Papua New Guinea. |
Michael & Lori with Ganig on a hike in Madang Province during the Pacific
Orientation Course. |
All dressed up for an Independence Day celebration |
Heaven has beautiful flowers. For a sneak preview, look at what God grows
on this fallen planet. |
Tairora Valley view, Eastern Highlands Province |
7th grade boys (including Evan) hiking up Lone Tree Mountain |
Aerial view of a river delta near Port Moresby |
Mountains in the Eastern Highlands Province from the air |
Aerial view of some Eastern Highlands Province villages |
Another Eastern Highlands Province village from the air |
Aerial view of a house with no near neighbors—at least none that I could
see through the rain forest canopy |
Final approach to the Aiyura airstrip |
Gadsup hillside |
Gardens & houses from the air |
Houses on a hillside (aerial view) |
Little village with gardens |
Lone tree mountain from the air. As you see, there is much more than one
tree on it, but if you looked at it from the barren side a few years ago, that
is what it looked like. |
Our neighborhood from the air. Our house is above and slightly to the
right of the one with the round trampoline in the back yard. Note the guard
tower along the left side of the picture. The larger buildings near the top of
the photo are part of the primary school. |
A closer view of our house (upper right; not the one mostly obscured by
the trees) |
How many people live under and among these trees? Not everyone clears
trees, makes houses you can see from the air, and plants gardens. Some people
hunt & gather in the forest and make dwellings under the trees. I would be
very surprised if we have actually found all of the people groups and
languages in Papua New Guinea. Survey work is still in progress. |
River, forest, and a bit of cloud from the air |
Riverside dwellings |
Beware of clouds with high mineral content while flying. |