Fear God! Written 24 April 2008 (19 Nissan 5768)
Father in Heaven, you are awesome!
Demons flee and the earth quakes at your
Every star and every planet was formed by your command.
O Holy Father, your power is beyond all
Awe and dread of your glory melt your enemies.
No power in heaven, hell, or earth can
withstand your judgement.
Repent while there is still time, for Jesus is coming!
On that day, there will be no time to
Yahweh is good and merciful, yet his justice is certain.
The only way to escape doom is through
the blood of Jesus Christ.
Anointed Jesus, thank you for fulfilling the law and redeeming us all.
Dear Lord, thank you for your love that
surpasses all other love.
Holy Father, thank you for sending your Son to take our punishment.
O Papa God, thank you that Jesus rose
We welcome you, Holy Spirit!
Under your wings, we are secure.
Every trouble can be overcome with you.
By faith in Jesus and his precious
blood, all our sin is gone.
Hallelujah! Glory be to God forever and ever!
Thank you Father for redeeming us and
showing us your glory!