Adoration. Written 13 July 2007, 17 Av 5767
Jesus, my Saviour, I love you!
Jesus, my Lord, I worship you!
Eternal life is an awesome gift!
Everlasting life with you is wonderful!
Stars proclaim your glory above.
Sunshine pales compared to the light of
your glory!
Under the depths of the oceans, you hide treasure.
Under the deep waters, mysteries wait to
be revealed.
Silver is common and cheap compared to your wisdom.
Sparkling jewels cannot rival your
perfect love.
Create in me a pure heart, O Father.
Cleanse me with the precious blood of
Holy Spirit, flood my whole being.
Holy One, teach me your ways.
Righteousness comes from you, alone.
Right living is by your power.
I need you more than the air you made.
I seek your approval more than water.
Show your love through me, Lord.
Shine your glory all around me, Father.
Take me with you into your kingdom.
Take your multitudes home.