Michael's Psalm 63

2 March 2003; 28 Adar Alef 5763

Jesus Christ is victorious over all of our enemies!
    Jesus the Messiah has won the war against Satan!
Every knee will bow to King Jesus.
    Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Sing praises to our deliverer!
    Shout because we are free!
Ultimate freedom comes from the Truth of Jesus Christ.
    Ultimate liberty is our Messiah's gift.
Salvation is our Father's free gift through His Son.
    Salvation comes to all who truly believe in the Anointed One.
In our sin and distress, God redeemed us.
    Father God rescued us from our own sin and bondage.
Supernatural love was beaten, bled, and died for us.
    Redeeming His people cost the Son of God His life.
All of our sin and its curse died with Jesus of Nazareth.
    Every last sin is forgiven those who believe in Jesus.
Love compels us to serve our Redeemer with joy.
    Everlasting praise springs from our life in Him.
I will always remember our Father's great love.
    Such love never ends.
Victory in the Anointed Jesus is ours!
    Utterly defeated by Jesus' blood and our testimony, the devil is destroyed.
Eternal life belongs to all of Father God's children!
    Surely Jesus will never leave or forsake those who love Him!

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