Written 25 August 2002
Hallelujah! Jesus is alive!
All darkness flees before the living Son of God!
Only Jesus Christ prevails.
Life and light radiate from the Son of Man.
Light and truth always overcome darkness and deception.
Mammon and covetousness perish as love reveals God's truth.
You are freed by truth.
In God's light, bondage is broken.
Love frees us from ungodly fear.
Great wisdom is in the fear of God alone.
Our Father in Heaven is merciful and gracious.
He shows His children the way to salvation.
Victory over all evil is our inheritance.
The Holy Spirit empowers God's children to overcome
In Jesus the Anointed One and His Anointing is peace and love.
Yes, we allow the grace of God to flow through us.
No weapon formed against us can prosper.
Christ Jesus is King of Kings!
Glory be to our Savior, Healer, and Deliverer!
Right standing with the Father is Jesus' valuable gift.
Father God has prepared the way for us to live with Him.
Everlasting, joy-filled life is Yahweh's great gift to His
Almighty God, we adore You!
All our hope is in You.
Thank You for Your love and grace!
Thank You for giving us peace and prospering us!
Holy Father, we love You.
O Yahweh, we worship You alone.
Everything that has breath, praise the Lord!
Rejoice, for our God reigns!