Jesus is my Lord! Written 22 April 2013 (11 Iyyar 5773)
Victorious Lord, I love you!
I live because you loved me, first.
In this world, trouble abounds,
Although you have overcome the world.
Christians are persecuted by those who call love "hate".
Love will still overcome evil.
Those who rage against God's people blindly flail and cause hurt.
We struggle to take every thought captive to Jesus Christ.
O Lord, our great God, save us!
All your children need you!
Redeem us from the continuing onslaught of evil.
You don't want us to fail.
Your ways are righteous and true.
Save us from all evil.
I long for your purity in a contaminated world.
Teach me to use your weapons in righteousness!
No weapon formed against your people will prosper.
Real victory belongs to those who cling to you!
Jesus the Messiah is our peace.
In God's Son is fullness of joy.
Everlasting life belongs to your children.
Unbridled joy fills our hearts!
Sing praises to God, O my soul!
Make music and rejoice in the LORD!
Understand that evil will not prosper forever.
Peace always comes to the righteous.
Spirit of the Holy God, fill me anew!
Have your way in me, Father!