Healed! Written 21 January 2011 (16 Shevat 5771)
Jesus, you are the Great Physician!
Healer of multitudes, you have healed me!
Even the blind see.
Even when it looks impossible, sight is restored.
Sight is so precious to you, Maker of all beauty!
All that you have made reflects your glory.
Ugly sin is washed away by your blood!
Let your sacrifice not be in vain in my life!
Set the captives free, Lord!
Emotional healing is also your doing.
Help us, Father, to follow you well.
Dear Daddy in Heaven, teach us your ways.
Everlasting God, you raise the dead!
By your Word, life is restored.
Almighty God, we love you dearly.
Your presence is worth more to us than anything.
Lord of all creation, you are God.
Great Father, you are the awesome healer.
So I will praise you with a thankful heart.
O Father, your mercy and lovingkindness endure
Day after day you show your faithful and steadfast