Bible translation team with Emma, doing Scripture typesetting. |
Ukarumpa from the air. |
Sitting around in a village. |
Kingair B200 taking off in the dry season. This aircraft is specially
equipped for high-altitude operation on dirt runways. Many of our Bible
translators are totally dependent on either rotary or fixed wing aircraft to
get to their villages. |
Bananas grow in our garden. |
Some of our Aseranka neighbors. |
Alek is watching my mother cross a bamboo bridge on the way to his house.
You can’t drive to Alek’s house. |
Once a year, the Ukarumpa community pulls out the boy-powered Ferris wheel. Here, Ben
demonstrates how to make the ride more exciting. |
If you like bugs, you’ll love Papua New Guinea. We have both large and
small bugs, in a variety of species. |
Papua New Guineans live more on their gardens than on the cash economy. |
Large hats round out the sing-sing decorations for this group. |
There is something spooky about this magician’s getup— unless you are
properly armed in Christ Jesus. |
Baskets for sale in Goroka |
Evangelistic billboard in Kainantu, Eastern Highlands Province |
Pink & orange orchids |
Two boys in Goroka |
Lady selling peanuts in Lae |
Here are some of the people who attended the classes I taught on the many
aspects of running a Christian radio station. I taught on the basics of
electricity, electronics, radio theory, radio station safety issues, sound
recording, administration, programming, etc. |
Most goats, sheep, pigs, dogs, etc., are entirely unaware of the law
against them roaming freely on major highways. So are their owners. The
policeman in the vehicle on the right is probably not concerned about the
goat, either. They are having a hard enough time dealing with issues like
armed highway robbery. |
Sitting and watching people in town is a major source of entertainment in
Kainantu. Lots of people do it. One of them (me) even had a camera. |
Teddy bears are important to missionaries with small children. They don’t
always get to ride in the passenger compartment, though. Photo by Irvin D.
Johnson. |
Avgas is kind of hard to get in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. SIL
trucks it up in barrels from Lae. Photo by Irvin D. Johnson. |
Bush houses near Ukarumpa. Photo by Irvin D. Johnson. |
Alek’s grandson. Photo by Irvin D. Johnson. |
Children playing in the Ba'e River, near Ba'e Village. Photo by
Irvin D. Johnson. |