Children watching |
Goat on stage |
Lori making salvation message bracelets with Gadsup children |
Lori testifies in Aseranka |
National Women's Bible Study with some children in Aseranka |
Pig on porch |
Pig and piglets pass in prominent pork parade |
Pig poking its nose into a house |
Our main electronic link to the outside world. These antennas are at the
Kainantu Telikom office. Internet and telephone signals from Ukarumpa pass
through a microwave link (antennas on the tower) between Ukarumpa and
Kainantu and through the satellite dish, through a satellite, and then to
Port Moresby. Email really is rocket science in PNG. |
A little construction on our house using split bamboo. |
Sorting used clothes |
The remains of what used to be the social services office in Kainantu,
burnt totally to the ground along with our adoption application paperwork,
give or take some melted remains of a safe and some cracked concrete steps.
(We made more copies of the application and gave it to the social worker
after the fire.) |
Guard on duty at the police station in Kainantu |
Shadow sitting on Evan’s gloved hand. Shadow is probably a juvenile
Brahminy Kite. Shadow likes to eat chicken, rats, and other bits of meat.
Shadow is a “cooler” pet than a budgie, but the leather glove wouldn't be
required for a little parakeet. |
Part of the Mabe (pronounced ma-bay) translation team. Lori and I are the
support team for this translation project. |
Hornbill sitting on a 50-gallon drum near our house |
Evan winning the shot put competition at school sports day 2005. Photo by
John Nystrom. |
Nate putting some serious muscle into the discus throw, sports day 2005.
Photo by John Nystrom. |
Michael at his computer again. What can I say? You can do an amazing
amount of good things with such a contraption. Photo by John Nystrom. |
Ben pulling with his team in a tug of war |
On the bridge into the SIL Centre at Ukarumpa |
Translators’ Training Course students at the Colossians Inductive Bible
Study, led by Michael. |
Kite hawks circling overhead |
A lady waving at me as I drive by |
Small market by the Ukarumpa PMV stop |