Michael’s Psalm 103

God is our provider. Written 18 April 2010 (4 Iyyar 5770)

El Shaddai provides for us.
    Poverty is not my destiny.
Love gives good gifts.
    Riches of peace and contentment flood my soul.
Surely our Father in Heaven knows our needs better than we do.
    O Lord, we thank you for your provision!
How awesome is the LORD's power!
    Victory is with Yahweh and His people!
All of our needs are met in Jesus the Messiah.
    I do not fear lack stopping our service to Him.
Do good and show God's love, and overcome evil.
    Darkness flees from the LORD's light.
Do not seek money, but seek what lasts!
    In God's presence, everything that matters is abundant!
All glory be to God, our Father!
    Nations bow down before Him!
I will seek close fellowship with God forever!
    God gives his children love, peace, and life evermore!

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